How often do you find yourself deviating from a particular task due to something fascinating distracting your attention? Often, I’ll guess, is the answer. It could be as simple as stopping to greet an excited puppy while walking to the store and chatting for a while with its owner. Sometimes one thing of interest leads to another and you’ll soon be putting off your original task to pursue the other. If, for instance, the distraction is a charming human being, it could change the course of your life.
This may just be how each of “us” got here in the first place. If, as I proposed in Choice and Appreciation, this “I” is at the end of a very long stream of choices, then it seems to me that the only reason that a distinctive identity even exists is due to a choice made by an upstream perspective that is still very much “me” (my collective stream) and that choice still lies in my lineage.
In my Post “In the Beginning” I wondered about my energetic experience that perhaps any given “I” is just a transitory expression of a set of perspectives that comes together in a particular moment. Another way of saying this is that whatever comes out of my mouth is a singular expression (an I) of an experiential state that reflects a set of collected perspectives at one particular moment in time.
Perhaps, like our distracted selves, one particular focal point followed its curiosity and went traipsing off to pursue something of interest or to create something it had imagined. It is still tethered to the connections of its source [its collection of perspectives, its We]. They are still there but the awareness of their existence is muted by its attentiveness to its current pursuit. How does it find its way back to the conscious awareness of its “clan” and does it need to?
It seems to me that it would be of use to remember the upstream choices that brought “this expression of a We” here in the first place. At a minimum, the current I could then consciously choose with both its current interests and the intent of the broader We in hand. On some level that deeper intent is the subtle fuel driving the overall direction of “our” focus and with that knowledge we can “keep the faith”, so to speak, with the choice of both the broader and the localized We.
But in order to have an impact in this place, the frequencies of this location in the universe must be brought to bear. We have absorbed and practiced the knowledge required to be competent with the frequency ranges within which we operate here. If we are to bring together the connection of any higher intent, we must use our current aptitude within the operating ranges of this place and be a conduit that allows them to merge from that origination point and come into resonance here. We are like a “step-down” transformer, which takes one voltage and reduces it to comport with the requirements of a device that works at a lower voltage. We are the pathway that connects higher intent with local frequencies, while also accommodating their operational needs.
What may be so, and I think likely, is that there was a particular reason that a collective We (an expressed I) chose to be encapsulated in a body in this place and time. If so, there would be some value in dis-covering what that is so that the particular intent may be fulfilled. In the same way that I surmise a “We” separated off from its clan to follow its delight, that same pattern overtakes us here and, in our curiosity and joyful exploration, we lose track of what we intended to do here. Now I’m not ruling out that the purpose of some identities may simply be to explore and that “they” may be fulfilling their intent by being at play here. There are infinite ways to experience any given moment thus an infinite number of ways to fulfill our intent. But it does seem that if the consciousness of the planet had a particular intent in creating beings of our sort, then there is some very broad purpose to which we’ve all, in some former merged “I”, agreed to collaborate on.
Justin, I like your metaphor of the “step down transformer.” It helps me to see what I think is the essence of the idea you present in this post. You’ve given me, once again, some food for thought … distracting me from my original intent to get through my morning e-mails. 😉 Thank you!