Jeff Carreira’s Three Stage Process of Evolving Selfhood

Jeff Carreira recently wrote and intriguing essay on what he calls “The Three Stage Process of Evolving Selfhood”.

Below is a recording of my discussion with him about this “process”. If you have not read the essay, here is the link. Please read it before listening to the recording.

I his new book, “The Soul of the New Self” and in our conversation here, he uses Dr. Jeffrey Eisen’s description of a self as a “platform of perception”. I am thinking now that the three stage process that he describes is a method of propulsion for this “platform” as it navigates through the fields of consciousness. It has generated a number of thoughts, which I will muse about in a future Post.


3 thoughts on “Jeff Carreira’s Three Stage Process of Evolving Selfhood”

  1. Kathryn Edwards

    This was a very illuminating conversation for me. I had to listen to it a few times to “get” what this was pointing to and here is what I understand of it. It helps if I try to rephrase in my own words; We can very easily trapped in our lower self identification when we reach a new platform of expanded awareness. It is where the crunch or obstacle comes in in regard to stabilizing our newly awakening vistas. I need to listen the rest of the interview again perhaps to gork the rest. Well done, Justin! Look forward to hearing more.

  2. I’m thinking that stabilization comes from Jeff’s Stage 3, which is the “expression” of the perspective (the platform) which has just been expanded into. Perspective gains access to the expanded space via Stage 1 (letting go), then marinades for a while in the newly perceived space (Stage 2) and then moves on to articulation, which in a way anchors the identity into that new space. The process repeats for the next new space. Eventually every newly articulated space will weigh us down, reach its exit point and need to be discarded via Stage 1. Our identity is that moving platform which uses this process, like stairs, to evolve.

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