The Time Dilation of Longer Frequencies

I will argue that a new six minute video by astrophysicist Sabine Hossenfelder supports, in a way, one of the things that I have been saying for decades about longer wavelengths.

Please watch her video before continuing.

Time Runs Slower in the Past

Though not precisely what she is pointing to, I think that her example that time stretches as a waveform lengthens, like slowing the ticks of a clock, is useful here. That stretching of time matches my experience that longer wavelengths slow the rate at which I experience time passing. In my case, it is not the stretching of a light wave, but the experience of the oscillations of wavelengths that are naturally longer than others as the focal point of my conscious attention shifts into them. The longer the wavelength, the slower I experience time passing and the faster the world around me seems to move, as was the case with my experiences with hallucinogens many decades ago. Like those experiences, there must be an increase in velocity to achieve the momentum needed to reach the longer ones. It’s a bit like using a manual transmission. You need to get the car moving at a certain speed in order to shift into the next gear. In this case, however, I have to gather a certain amount of momentum through a frequency range in order to stably reach a longer frequency range, in which my awareness is more expansive.

A number of other notions have long flowed out of my experience of frequencies and I’m just going to express some, in their current renditions, since Sabine’s video has re-presenced them. It is all conjecture, but they have, to varying degrees at different times, had a feel of reality to them for a long time and this seems like a good opportunity to share the ones that are in my awareness at the moment.


Shorter wavelengths tend to become visible from the perspective of the longer. This is much like a purpose of meditation, which is to slow down and let the thoughts pass through unattended to. The observer steps back, experientially, into a quieter, slower wavelength from which the rate of oscillations of the faster are readily apparent relative to the one that your attention has moved into. Another example would be if you were a parent watching your children on the playground. Their excited, and often frenetic, movements are readily visible in your at-rest state. It is very different when you are fully engaged in a game with them. In that case many details escape your notice because of your participation in it. Immersion tends to mask. 


This brings me to my climbing wavelengths observation of consciousness. There is a kind of gravitation that seems to have been pulling me towards longer wavelengths over most of my life. It is, perhaps, the same energy that has moved our evolution from cells to minds and, more recently, towards Teilhard de Chardin’s noosphere. Who knows. But it is clearly what draws me to spaces where there are collectives of people practicing and exploring some new edges of consciousness. It may be that these edges already exist and are just becoming visible, or that they are being formed by our focused attention, and underlying intentions, as well as the creative aspects of the planet, our galaxy and the surrounding cosmos. I suspect that it is all of these. I will note here that time also dilates in the gravity of a Singularity, as presented in the video. One lies at the heart of our galaxy and may be at least an interim destination of our individuated awarenesses that is within our cosmological locale, a relative Singular-ness on our way to some grander Oneness: an idea which I have written about in some detail before.


Time dilation is also reflected in the old saying, “Time flies when you are having fun.” It seems to me that any flow state is a tapping into a much longer wavelength, like choosing a bigger wave while surfing. You can ride it longer because it is longer and has more energy. The smaller waves are still there but that’s not where your attention is. I think that flow states are frequency dependent, in that they form deeper than the general frequency neighborhood at which your attention is normally focused. This has to do with the wavelengths that your attention is most attuned to, generally at this time of your life, and specifically in different moments of your life. But in every case of what is called flow, that energy cascades downstream into some expression in the physical or linguistic realms. I see it as a deeper intention expressing itself “here,” usually in alignment with some downstream intention(s). These alignments across frequency ranges form an open corridor for deeper energies to flow through and manifest. 



I suspect that experiments that seem to show that there is activity in the brain, preceding a choice to press some button, are the result of the option being selected at a longer wavelength. The delay in the action may indeed be in the firing time of neurons, but it may also be due to coming from a different energetic rate of temporal flow downstream into the density of physicality.


You can get drawn back into frequencies that you no longer primarily reside in now, but did in the past. So, the “like attracts like” rule applies when familiar trigger points, or the presence of certain people, evoke the old habitual frequency ranges associated with them, and you go back to briefly reinhabiting those wavelengths.


Transmission: These days I have found that I have reached a point at which the energetic transmission of individuals who reside in longer wavelengths do not presence enough of a difference in wave lengthening energy to compel my attention enough to get excited by simply being around them. This was sometimes the case when I was younger. They may now provide enough energetic propulsion to nudge me forward just a bit, but it feels like I am in need of continuing acceleration. It has become more and more apparent to me that it takes the energy of collective attention to exhibit enough gravitation that my energetic homing mechanism for lower frequencies is excitedly engaged. Now some dialogues that I am engaged in, or observe, certainly can excite me, as can the further dialogical exploration of those conversations with interested others. Some of these are organized by individuals whose energy does clearly enhance the interplay. The more frequently I participate, the more acceleration is experienced. It can occur in just a pair, but more participants with a common focus increases the gravitation, and thus the experience of motion. This is no different that meditating with many people. It’s just more potent. So, though perhaps it was true in the past, it seems to me that there comes a point when the transmission of a single radiant soul is no longer enough to generate sufficient forward motion for most souls who are actively engaged in the explorations that many of us currently find ourselves in. In this light “the next Buddha is the Sanga” makes perfect sense.


I do not need to know what beckons me in this direction. I trust my instincts and that is enough.

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