Letting Go
Babies do not need to be trained in “letting go”. Initially, letting go is their natural state and they are being trained to focus here in order to grasp and get some relative stability in the wavelengths at which we operate. But once they are well grounded adults, it seems important to bring that finely-honed cognitive ability to bear on the choices that were made both before and during the process of bringing our focused attention to this “place”. It is my view that we consciously chose to be here and that part of the process of acclimating to these frequency ranges is to bring that same conscious capacity into our cognitive awareness here. If we are to fulfill our intention for being here, we must first and foremost become conscious of what it was. Regardless of whether we came to play, create, observe or whatever, in order to actively participate in the completion of our intent, the first step must certainly be to sensitize ourselves to the direction in which our preferences – the nudging of our earlier choices – lead us, and to deliberately choose to move in that direction. Ideally, it would behoove us to be consciously aware of our intent for this particular life and re-choose it in a form that will most fully manifest it here.
So, how do we come to dis-cover the choice or choices that resulted in this life? There are an immense number of layers of choice but I examine most of the ones that I come into contact with in a similar way. Some show up as broad and subtle preferences, which become apparent by observing every-day life. Others may better be described as habitual behaviors. Here I’m not referring to something repetitive in the sense of putting fork to mouth but habitual in the sense of something automated and not preferred. In both the broad and the particular I’m looking for what it is that is recurring. Examining them will reveal choices typically laid down behind the manifestation of the behaviors themselves. The first aspect of the examination is to cognitively observe the habitual behavior, see what patterns are visible within it, what repeats. The second is how do those habitual actions or preferences feel? What is the flavor of the experience? This begins with choosing to sense what is present in the moments that you find yourself in a repetitive behavior. Whether it is gross, subtle or causal, the body is the only input device that we have, so the simple sensing of what we “feel” must be the place to start. This is not how we feel about it but what sensations are being felt. What is important to note here is that you cannot examine feelings unless you are in the experience. If you are angry you could try and examine your thoughts and actions after the fact, but you can only observe the physical sensations that are manifesting in the body during the experience. So, if you want to fully unpack something, it is best that you be cognitively conscious during the event but it is essential that you be sensually conscious during it. The first requires active inquiry and the second only observing. But, as I pointed to in Language and Reality, the words and the energy are linked by cognitive association and so what you hear in your head is directly connected to what you are feeling in your body so it’s best to do the work in the moment that the experience is occurring. I do realize this isn’t pleasant or easy but it is useful in making distinctions.