All and………
There is a saying that has become common of late, “both and”, which is intended to replace “either or”. It is intended to be inclusive.
I think that it is all a matter of how many perspectives you can hold at once. From a Spiral Dynamics perspective, one transcends and includes all components of the spiral from which one has arisen over time. All are “included” from the broader perspective from which one peers out at a given “moment”. Thus, none are excluded and the more developed a consciousness is, the more particles and parts are included. They are its components; its cells, if you will.
Now, how do we describe our experiences? We enjoy, we observe, we examine etc. As with the levels of the Spiral, we ARE the experience that we are having AND we are observing it, examining it, assessing it etc. and can access any of these at any “time” or, perhaps, all at the same time. In my view, the rate of experiential time that we choose to dwell in determines if we are multi-tasking – holding many views – or allowing a single one, or a few, to dominate. …