Beauty, Evolution-Development

Motion and Stillness

Following up on the last Post, here I’ll look at a feature of consciousness that is also fundamental, motion.

I’ll begin with one of my favorite Einstein quotes: “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. It is physics.” (turns out this is not an Einstein quote)

The foundation of this Blog is that we live in constantly moving energetic fields.  At the most fundamental physical levels, the Earth is rotating and also orbiting the Sun, which in turn is rotating in our spiral galaxy, which exists in a universe that is expanding. Add to that the fairly recent measurement of gravitational waves from two black holes that merged 1.3 billion years ago and rippled space/time here on Earth in Sept. of 2015. Apparently there are innumerable large-scale interactions occurring in space that have this type of impact. Given that they are now measureable, it means that they are, and have always been, sense-able as energetic motion. This kind of motion, of course, does not include all of the smaller flows of weather, wildlife, people, our respiration, our moods and the like, with which we are more familiar. Though the scales are obviously quite different, our bodies (gross, subtle or causal) can tune to any of it, in my view, even though our attention tends to habitually remain focused in particular energetic ranges. The bottom line here is that everything is moving and what moves is experienceable by the very fact that it is moving, in relation to some given point of perception. …