Where Are Your Feelings?
It seems that providing an easier way to understand frequencies will be useful. I’ve lived with them so long that I have failed to take notice of the difficulty that getting a sense of them can pose.
One clear place to look at them is an old saying, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”. When someone is exuberant, you know it. You don’t have to be told. When someone is suffering, it’s the same. If you are in any conversation, particularly a difficult one, you are constantly assessing another’s reaction to what you have said and “where they are coming from” when they are talking. All of this is taken into account in each moment and your responses will be dictated by what you are “getting” from them. In my experience, each and every nuance is a blend of frequencies. You are not just assessing body language, you are inherently sensing the energies that are being evoked and expressed, along with those that are being comingled between you. This is not something that you needed to be taught. It is a compilation of all of your enculturation and personal experience since you’ve been on the planet.
Yes, you can clearly see it in the eyes of another, and that may be how you would normally describe it. But I suspect that you mostly aren’t conscious of the give and take of this process as it is occurring. You just interact naturally. I clearly remember overhearing half of a phone conversation my daughter was having with a friend when she was in her early teens. I was aware that she was bouncing thoughts off of her friend and adjusting them based on the response. I remember thinking that I was watching her develop her public persona by this interaction, of which I’m sure there were hundreds. She was sorting out what was being well received and what wasn’t and modifying her presentation as she conversed. She was becoming someone new as she went along and she did not need to see those eyes to sense where her friend was coming from. These sensings, these feelings cannot even be articulated by an infant or young child but to anyone who has interacted with babies, it is clear that there is a give-and-take in which each participant is gauging reaction and responding accordingly. Any parent knows that babies and very young children are easily distracted. They can be drawn away from a particular object of their attention with relative ease, which is very useful tool that every parent has used. Today we might call that “changing the topic”. The same method can still be used to divert attention away from a line of discussion that is not preferred. We picked this up from our parents long ago and have not abandoned it because it can still be useful, whether we are doing it automatically or deliberately. …