Looking Good
Looking good is a trait that seems often maligned but, in my view, it is simply a reflection of one of the fundamental aspects of Being. I think that all of the most basic traits of consciousness flow though every level of awareness, and are manifested in accordance with the frequency ranges that a particular portion of consciousness inhabits. Those traits flow out from the Source and exit through every portal based on that portals resonance. It is a bit like a coin counting machine. There is a source through which everything flows, and each exit point allows an easy outlet based on its natural aperture.
In this case, looking good is a reflection of the gravitational pull of Unity. Assuming the validity of the common assertion that in the beginning there was just the one consciousness, we have a common source and are differentiated and dispersed aspects of that One. Therefore, the underpinning of all frequencies is this longest of wavelengths, which, if experienced directly at all, we might experience as peace, ease or where we are most assuredly at home. It does not seem possible to extract ourselves from that sense. With that as an assumption, it is logical to conclude that from that same space of unity, there is derived the direct knowing that it is our natural home, where there is no question about acceptance or belonging. Our presence there is just what’s true, far beyond doubt.
The deep knowing of our common home is reflected by the very subtle assumption that we are “included” in the Unity, no matter what is reflected in our localized consciousness. Anything in the local environment that causes some ripples of disturbance in the flow from that deep place of oneness are experienced as energetic dissonance to varying degrees, depending on one’s sensitivity. Most don’t attribute it to energetic dissonance but rather to something that happened within our normal experiential environment, like hearing “you’re dreaming”, “what were you thinking?” or “we gave the position to someone else”. It’s all a matter of degree and there are certainly an infinite number of experiences each of which alters the flow of that “I belong” energy. Thus it seems to me that measuring our experience of belonging in our current environment is always going on, consciously or unconsciously. Some form of “Am I known here?”; “Am I seen here?”; Am I re-cognized with the whole here?” is ongoing on some level, perhaps many.
So I think that looking good is quite natural, and also unavoidable. It is quite likely true that there will never be enough evidence, at our levels, to assure us of belonging so I do see the futility of localized actions solely performed to provide that evidence. As we each become more attuned to our deeper connections, that urge to connect does not disappear, but moves up the scale to a different resonant range. There it is less discernible to us, thus we are blind to the new manifestations of that very same trait as it operates upon us in territory with which we are yet unfamiliar.
In sum, we belong, we want that re-cognized by others and this is a particular line of development that likely has its own stages and will not end until we are at home in the Unity. We’ll be blessed, as some would say, if we could bring that Unity experience here and share it.